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Health & Wellness

So much of our health depends on really simple things like how we nourish ourselves, the way we use our bodies and the state of our minds and emotions. While there has been a lot of focus on the diet and exercise part, we are now finally getting to the importance of mental and spiritual well being. We are finally talking about the profound effects that stress, depression and anxiety can have on on our bodies.

While medical science can work miracles and save lives, especially in the area of acute care. It has traditionally fallen short when it comes to the maintenance of good health. Those trends are finally changing. These pages will address health, wellness as well as some interesting alternatives to standard medical practice.

Our contribution will be in presenting two alternatives that have significantly helped our health at various points in our lives: medical magnets and fasting. The use of magnets in healing is considered a fad that has largely past. For the most part, the medical establishment has discredited their benefits. But it must also be said that no negative effects have been shown. Additionally, we could say, go talk to the professional athletes who report pain relief and faster recovery times through the use of magnets.

With regard to fasting, we have experienced incredible benefits from this discipline and there are very few who could rationally argue against the practice, especially in this age of obesity. Since there is very little on the internet on the subject of fasting we offer our experience on the subject.

Finally, along the lines of fasting is our interest in a vegetable based diet, nothing against meat. We even indulge from time to time (mainly chicken and fish). To that end we offer a page of our favorite meat free recipes that might be of interest.

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